Life is a journey. Enjoy the ride.



Using English to Communicate in Professional Life (美国舌的商务沟通)
Target 适用人群:
·Advanced English users; Business professionals 掌握了高级英语的学习者,商务专业人士.
Features 特单
- 100% English (no Chinese translation to make the book look bigger.) 100% 英语(没有让书看起来很厚,但对学好英语没帮助的中文翻译)
- 100% Narrated MP3 audio by native English speaking certified teacher听力100% 由母语为英语的专业老师录制
- 645 pages; 178,000 total words全书共645页,十七万八千单词数
- 16 Chapters 16个章节
- 4 Appendices 4个附件
Topics 主题
Communication Skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing; Nonverbal Communication; International Communication; Ethics in Business Communication; Nondiscriminatory Language; English grammar and Parts of Speech; Written Business Documents; Oral English Skills; Presentations / Speeches; Employment interviews; Resumes and Cover Letters; Communicating With Customers; Customer Service Advice from Experts in Business (Street Talk); + 880 Assessment Questions. 交流技巧:听,说,读,写;非言词交流;国际交流;商务交流中的道德伦理;无歧视的语言;英语语法和词性;商务文书写作;口语技巧;现场演示/演讲;工作面试;简历和封面;与客户交流;来自商务领域的专家关于客户服务的建议(Street Talk); 以及880道习题。
Appendices 附件
A: Answer Key; B: Tips on Public Speaking and Glossophobia Remediation; C: Tips for Writing Cover Letters; D: Sample Employment Interview A:习题答案;B:在公共场合交谈和克服不敢再公开场合说话的心理;C:怎样写好封面的贴士;D:工作面试
从来没有一本像这样带全书MP3听力, 包含基本必需学习内容的、适合ESL学生的商务交流的书。国内或国际都没有。国内商务交流的书里都有翻译,字体大,并有大量空白页面, 所有这些只是为了让书看起来厚,却忽略了学习的内容。同样的,由于没有在出版前经过专业人员的校对,书里充斥着语法错误或者失实的信息。最重要的是,国内的商务交流类书都是非英语为母语的作者编写,他们不完全懂得英语社会商务交流文化,或者是作者从来都没有在英语国家从事过生意往来。 《Using English to Communicate in Professional Life》确保学生用自己辛苦赚来的钱获得最大的价值。同时,他们获得的是一本能让他们在海外做生意时变得高效、有能力的英语交流者的书。
这套书里4-7章全面回顾重要的语法问题,8-11章涵盖商务写作。书里讨论了在学术或商务场合常见的一些错误。12-16章着重介绍了英语口语技巧,例如:面试,演讲、现场演示,与客户打交道和商业环境里各种技术的应用。书里还包含了名为“Street Talk”的内容-—来自专家分享的在商业环境里怎样用英语跟客户打交道的建议。
《Using English to Communicate in Professional Life》是任何想用英语进行国际商务交流人员必学的一本书。
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"American Tongue Phrasal Verbs"
- over 1,000 phrasal verbs
- example sentences
- 100% narrated
- mp3 audio
Copyright 2017 American Tongue Communications, all rights reserved.
For a sample or to order, contact AT

“Everyday English for Professionals"
A continuation of "Everyday English: Intermediate" for intermediate to advanced learners of English (C1-C2)
Copyright 2017 American Tongue Communications, all rights reserved.
For a sample or to order, contact AT

“Everyday English: Intermediate"
A continuation of "Everyday English: 3300 MUST KNOW TERMS" for intermediate learners of English (B2-C1)
Copyright 2016, American Tongue Communications, all rights reserved.
For a sample or to order, contact AT

“Everyday English: 3300 MUST KNOW TERMS” was written and designed for beginner to low intermediate learners of English (A1-B1). It consists of 372 pages and approximately 72,000 words. There are no images to make the book look bigger like the domestic books. Also, there is no translation, which increases the size of the book while limiting learning material. If you want translated words, buy a dictionary and memorize it! The book contains useful, complete sentences, not partial sentences like some domestic books. How can you learn if there is no context in the material? Likewise, it does not contain long news articles or stories that fill-up the book. Want stories? Buy a novel! This book is all learning material: terms, parts of speech, definitions, and example sentences. The terms are some of the most commonly used and MUST KNOW TERMS for students to learn for everyday life; hence, the title “Everyday English: 3300 MUST KNOW TERMS.” Additional terms have been added to supplement the learning process and expand student’s vocabulary much more quickly by using practical learning methods underscored by English as a Second Language research principles - seeing it written, hearing it spoken, writing it so it can be applied, and speaking - “Everyday English: 3300 MUST KNOW TERMS” is NOT a learning by rote textbook! MP3 Audio.
Copyright 2016, American Tongue Communications, all rights reserved.
For a sample or to order, contact AT

Medegal's "Medical English and Clinical Terminology Expanded" (2016 edition) *Fully narrated with MP3 audio + Expanded material "Communicating: Conversations. and Medical Records." This book is intended for medical students, doctors, nurses, translators / interpreters, medical technology companies, those preparing for the U.S.M.L.E. or anyone involved in healthcare who wishes to learn proper written and spoken Medical English and Clinical Terminology. It is also a useful tool for teachers of Medical English who need simple, easy to understand modules. It includes an overview of everyday, useful medical and clinical terminology, case studies, conversations and medical records - all with an emphasis on proper pronunciation. After completion of all modules in this book, students should be proficient in Medical English and Clinical Terminology. Its aim is to be a useful tool for learning and improving essential Medical English skills. There are 4 parts: 1) Basic Medical English for Healthcare with limited Chinese translation; 2) Medical Terminology; 3) Clinical Terminology, which focuses primarily on abbreviations most commonly used in a clinical setting; 4) Communicating: Conversations and Medical Records. The four parts are further broken down into modules (lessons), and include quizzes, practice exercises, case studies and patient medical records as practical training, including conversations commonly encountered in a clinical setting. A few helpful images are included where necessary to supplement the learning process. This book is intended for intermediate and advanced learners of English, but with some study and using the limited Chinese translation in the Basic Medical English for Healthcare, any English learner can grasp the concepts. A list of prefixes, root words, and suffixes (PRS List) is included in Appendix A for easy access as a reference. The modules should be completed in order. An additional review exercise can be found in Appendix B. An answer key to all practice exercises, quizzes and the reviews can be found in Appendix C.
Copyright 2016, American Tongue Communications, all rights reserved.
For a sample or to order, contact AT

AT's "BIG BOOK of Contemporary English" contains over 200 English lessons, quizzes and practice exercises for beginners to advanced students of English. Helpful images are included to supplement the learning process. The Blue Level and the Red Level are for students who need Basic English skills. The Yellow Level focuses on perfect tenses, modal verbs, comparatives and superlatives. The Green Level is almost entirely focused on the passive voice. Understanding the differences between the active voice and the passive voice will make students better writers and speakers of English. The Purple Level is a list of some of the most important verbs in English. Not only should students learn the different uses for these words, they should know how to conjugate them in any verb tense. In the Orange Level and the Violet Level, students learn about sentence formation and joining ideas together. These levels are intended for intermediate and advanced learners of English. The book begins with Basic English vocabulary of common, everyday words and concludes with a tutorial on “How to Write in English.”
Copyright 2014, American Tongue Communications, all rights reserved.
For a sample or to order, contact AT

AT's "American Slang, Idioms, Proverbs and Expressions" is intended for readers who enjoy American Slang, Idioms, Expressions, or those who wish to learn them in order to understand native speakers. This book is not a complete compilation of American slang, idioms and expressions by any means, but rather, a compilation of some of the more widely used terms and phrases. Its aim is to be a useful reference guide or for reading pleasure.
Learn how and when to use American Slang.
Includes example sentences.
Copyright 2014, American Tongue Communications, all rights reserved
跟“美国舌”学美国俚语 Sinopec Press, China ISBN: 978-7-5114-2887-5
Have questions on how to get this book outside of China? contact AT

Medegal's Health Care English Workbook (Completely narrated mp3 audio) 2017
Intermediate to advanced English users; health care related professionals.
- 100% English (no Chinese translation to make the book look bigger.)
- 100% Narrated MP3 audio by native English speaking health care professional
- 19 supplemental MP4 videos
- 500 pages; 95,872 total words
- 13 modules (chapters)
- Annotated format (only the essential material)
*This book is a continuation of “Medegal’s Medical English and Clinical Terminology” with more advanced terminology and approximately 20% duplication. It features a lot of new material not previously covered including health care records, basic anatomy, anatomical adjectives and more in-depth topics. Learners should have completed “Medegal’s Medical English and Clinical Terminology."
Health Care Records, Dermatology, Orthopedics, Neurology, Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology, The Endocrine System, Hematology and Immunology, Cardiology, Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Male Reproductive System, Urology, Obstetrics & Gynecology (OBGYN), Neonatology + 675 Review Questions, Audio Challenge Questions and patient records and hospital notes for practical learning.
Answer Key for all exercises and quizzes, Basic Rules for Forming Medical Plurals, and a thorough list of “Helpful Root Words,” which all English learners should know.
Journals / Articles (A brief list):
“The History of the Macarena” (1996)“
"10 Recommendations for Wedding Receptions” (2002)
“The Most Appropriate Wedding Song Suggestions” (2003)
"The Art of Public Speaking & Glossophobia Remediation" (2006)
"How to Become a Better Voice Talent" (2012)
"Where Does Wealth Come From?" (2013) *China Daily Editor's Pick
"How to Develop and Maintain Finely-tuned Professional Skills" (2013)
"Nomophobia" (2013)
"How to Become a Better English Speaker" (2013)
"How to Write in English" (2013)
Books / E-books:
"TEWG Handbook" (2004) [Government publication]
“American Slang” (2005)
“Idioms in American English” (2007)
“Popular Expressions used in American English” (2009)
"English-Mandarin Quickbook" (2013)
Medegal's "Encyclopedia of Forensic Sciences" (2013)
"American Slang, Idioms, Proverbs & Expressions" 跟“美国舌”学美国俚语 ISBN: 978-7-5114-2887-5 (2014)
American Tongue's "BIG BOOK of Contemporary English" (2014)
Everyday English: 3300 MUST KNOW TERMS (2015)
Medegal's “Medical English and Clinical Terminology - Expanded” (2016)
Everyday English: Intermediate (2016)
Everyday English for Professionals (2017)
American Tongue Phrasal Verbs (2017)
Medegal's "Health Care English Workbook" (2017)
NEW! "Using English to Communicate in Professional Life" (2017)
Learning is an acquired skill; and, to learn anything well enough to develop a skill takes practice. So, practice learning.